The official website of the Beijing
2008 Olympic Games changed from beijing2008.com to beijing2008.cn on
December 12,2006, eastday.com reported Tuesday. [newsphoto]
The official website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games changed from
beijing2008.com to beijing2008.cn, eastday.com reported today.
It is the first time in Olympic history that the host country's domain name
has been used on an official Olympic site.
The web addresses of previous Olympic sites used a '.com' ending, which means
the server program was run by the United States. The domain name change will
make the Beijing official Olympic website a remarkable one.
During the 2004 Athens games, hits on its official website exceeded 100
million. Insiders estimate the official Beijing site will garner at least 50
million hits, and that it will serve as a unique online platform to promote
exchange between China and the world.