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Chief warns against selection cheating

By Chen Xiangfeng (China Daily)
Updated: 2007-01-24 08:45

The country's sports chief says there will be no tolerance for cheating during the Beijing 2008 Olympics team selection process.

"We have started to select players to prepare for the Beijing 2008 Olympics. The selection process must be open and fair. No cheating is allowed," said Liu Peng, head of the State General Administration of Sport (SGAS).

"Selecting the best players to compete in Beijing is one of the most significant tasks during the preparation period," he said.

Liu revealed his determination to fight against unfairness and cheating during a SGAS anti-corruption conference.

"The selection task is sensitive and related to different departments. Everything is in the media spotlight.

"Any bribery cases or scandals will undermine the image of Chinese sport.

"We must be committed to selecting the best players for Olympic preparations. Every department and administration center much obey the rules. We will take cheating or bribery seriously and people who make mistakes will be harshly punished."

There was controversy ahead of the Athens Games in 2004 when two-time Olympic weightlifting champion Zhan Xugang was selected for the team despite retiring after the Sydney Games four years earlier. He failed all three snatch attempts, prompting questions over why he had been selected over younger candidates.

Liu also stressed his resolve to fight against on-court discipline problems, doping, bribery during venue construction, and abuse of sports lottery and charity funds.

Test events

This year is seen as a tune-up for the Beijing Games in terms of player selection, venue testing and security efforts.

From July to May 2008, China will host 42 test competitions, with 26 of them taking place this year.

Beijing will host 23 events and the remaining tests will be in Hong Kong, Qingdao, Shenyang and Qinhuangdao.

The events are an overall examination of the venue infrastructure, technical system, scheduling, results processing and security protection capabilities.

"Ensuring all the test competitions are a big success is the most important task for the year. It is a rehearsal for the Beijing 2008 Olympics, and it is a showcase to the nation about how we are prepared," said Liu Qi, president of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG).

Liu insisted all the test competitions must be planned and organized to Olympic standards.

"We must host characteristic and high-level tournaments and make sure we set up a solid base for the Beijing Olympics."
