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Relay of friendship

(China Daily)
Updated: 2007-04-27 10:46

The wait is over. The official route for the 2008 Olympic torch relay was announced last night at the China Millennium Monument in Beijing.

We live in a global village, and the torch relay not only signifies the Olympic spirit, but also the chance for the many villages, towns and cities along the route to take a bow to the world audience.

Billed as the "harmonious trip", the torch relay sends a strong message that the country considers this world sports event as an occasion to demonstrate its commitment to the building of a harmonious world.

Relay of friendship
The Planned Route Map for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch here for enlarged map
The slogan "ignite enthusiasm and deliver the dream" expresses the country's hope that such an activity will stimulate more people worldwide to contribute to the realization of our common dream of a harmonious world for all.

The torch will pass through more than 100 cities in China in what will form part of the longest route, with the most participants from all over the world, in the history of the Olympic Games.

With so many cities involved, the design of this route is testament to the fact that this torch relay, hopefully the greatest ever, intends to share the Olympic spirit with as many Chinese people as possible.

In organizing events for the torch relay in these cities, the enthusiasm of the Chinese people for the Games will be stimulated.

In addition, the participation in this activity by millions of people from many places, far and wide, will help cultivate the awareness that the Olympic Games is an international event, and its success depends on the participation of people from all over the world, including themselves. This event, like no other, will give people a heightened sense of being a world citizen, and proud of it.

This torch relay will be an opportunity for Chinese cities to showcase themselves to the world. In the same way, the world has a chance to see the different natural sceneries of so many Chinese cities, which they may never have a chance to do in their lifetime. By watching the televised live show of the event, they will be able to get a glimpse of different local customs, folk art and performances of local flavor in these cities.

The torch relay will be an opportunity for the world to learn about China and its people. Ultimately, and most importantly, it will promote friendship between the Chinese people and the rest of the world.
