WELLINGTON - In the eyes of New Zealand former prime minister and former World Trade Organization secretary general Mike Moore, the change of means of transportation in Chinese cities could most vividly reflect the great changes taken place in the past decades.
More has visited China for more than 20 times since his first visit in 1984. He has been following up the changes taken place in China.
"My first impression of China was: thousands of people in blue or green uniforms on bicycles in the cities. About 15 years later, you saw many people on motorcycles. About five years later, you see more private cars, in red, blue or grey colors," he recalled in a recent interview with Xinhua.
"Now you see all sorts of cars in Chinese cities, no different with other big cities in the world," he added.
"So first bicycles, then motorcycles, and now all sorts of cars, you can feel the great changes happening in China in the past decades," said the former WTO chief.
Moore, who described himself as a "China fan", said he felt most proud that China entered the WTO trade system during his term as WTO secretary-general. China has been committed to the WTO obligation, regulations and law since it entered the WTO system, he added.
The Chinese people now became more confident, more happy and healthy than before and the pollution in big cities has been improved, said Moore.
Moore said the Chinese government are now answerable to law. The law is above the authority. "The Chinese people now can sue the government. It is a very substantial thing. It is not easy for China, such a big country," he told Xinhua.
He said China's hosting of Olympic games was a sign of the world respecting China's re-integration of the world. ? ?
"China now is very concerned about world opinion. It is a very good thing," he added.
Moore also spoke highly of China's role in world economy. He said Chinese economy and world economy are closely linked. If China's economy slows down, world economy will also slow down.
In today's globalization, it is natural to have trade disputes between countries. It is normal for the EU companies to sue U.S. companies and U.S. companies to sue Chinese companies. ?"It is important that they seek arbitration and settle disputes within the WTO framework," said Moore.
More also hoped China to play roles in the WTO and G-20 and contribute more to pushing forward the Doha Round of WTO trade talks.
Moore said, the New Zealand-China free trade agreement is the first free trade deal China signed with a Western country. In the past one year since the signing of the free trade agreement, the two countries witnessed steady increase of trade volume.
"No doubt, China will be strongest economy in the world in the future," said Moore.