Big data to play role in better nutrition

The average daily intake of salt will be reduced by 20 percent by 2030 from current levels, under the plan, while growth of the overweight population will be noticeably checked.
Authorities will take measures to improve nutrition, including legislation, encouraging scientific research, cultivation of talent, encouraging the development of nutritious foods and promoting upgrades in the food industry, according to the plan.
"The plan is based on detailed surveys and pays particular attention to prominent nutrition problems," said Yan Weixing, deputy director of the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment.
"We also borrowed from successful international experience in the formulation of the plan," Yan said. "The goals are achievable with effort."
Jin said a national health data platform linking the platforms of all provincial regions in China has been established, paving the way for the mass development of more intelligent and customized health services.
The health industry in China, including the nutrition industry, is expected to reach $17 trillion by about 2035, accounting for about half of China's gross domestic product by then, Jin said.