Fitness guide offers healthy, safe exercise plans

"Self-evaluation is extremely important. You can only exercise in a proper and safe way that matches your needs if you understand where you are and where you want to go," said Yuan Hong, deputy director of the sport science institute.
According to the latest national exercise survey - based on data from 81,828 people age 20 or older and released by the institute at the end of 2015 - about 47 percent of respondents exercised without any guidance while 32 percent were guided by nonprofessional friends and colleagues.
The self-reliant approach to exercise has exposed some enthusiasts to deadly risks through improper practices, as highlighted by the deaths of distance runners from time to time.
The weekly training arrangement in the guide, which combines multiple sports and moves gradually from different entry levels, was praised by trainers for its compatibility and efficiency.
"A girl who wants to lose fat definitely needs a very different pattern from one who is preparing for a full marathon. A guide that includes everyone's condition will produce results," said Yang Bin, owner of the NowFitness gym chain in Beijing.