Live streaming platform shut down for pornographic content

BEIJING — An online live streaming platform has been shut down due to pornographic content and 12 suspects have been arrested, according to a statement released by China's anti-pornography office Saturday.
Through its mobile application, which featured female hosts putting on obscene performances, the "Langyou" live streaming platform sold pornographic content to about 170,000 registered users for more than 10 million yuan in illegal gains between April and July 12, said the National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications in the statement.
China is currently in the middle of a nationwide campaign to purify the online environment. The campaign will last from March to November of this year.
China's anti-pornography office closed 73 illegal live streaming platforms in the first half of 2017 and imposed lifetime bans on 1,879 live streamers who severely violated regulations, according to the office.