Int'l exhibition 'Tribute 2018' creates dialogue between China and Europe

Tribute 2018, a joint exhibition hosted by the China Academy of Art (CAA) and Haute école des Arts du Rhin (HEAR), was held in Strasbourg, France, on Dec 2.
Philosophers, artists and historians from around the world gathered at the French city to celebrate the cultural and historical achievements of the past - from the legacy of Chinese landscape art to the world's most revolutionary movements over the past 100 years - in order to reflect on the future outlook of the world.
The joint event was highlighted by a commemorative exhibition paying tribute to late Chinese painter Lin Fengmian, as well as a multimedia exhibition and round-table discussions under the theme of Future Media/Art Manifesto.
Lin Fengmian is well-known in China for his attempts to blend western and eastern artistic traditions. Future Media/Art Manifesto was divided into two parts: Shanshui: A Cosmotechnics and Century: A Proposal.