Top 10 global tourism stories in 2017

6. World Tourism Alliance established
On Sept 12, the World Tourism Alliance was established. Initiated by China, it is the world's first global, non-governmental and nonprofit tourism organization.
Following a vision of "Better Tourism, Better World", the alliance aims to promote economic development, poverty reduction and peace through tourism development. It also aims to strengthen international tourism exchange, expand consensus, share experience, deepen cooperation and facilitate sustainable, inclusive global tourism development.
7. Chengdu hosts Belt and Road tourism ministerial meeting
On Sept 13, the Tourism Ministers' Meeting of Countries along the Belt and Road was convened in Chengdu, Sichuan province. Participants included tourism ministers from more than 100 countries and regions, the heads of 41 international organizations and more than 1,000 delegates. It then issued the Chengdu Initiative on Tourism Cooperation along the Belt and Road. The number of Chinese tourists visiting other countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road initiative in 2017 is expected to exceed 25 million.
8. President Xi Jinping calls for more efforts to promote a toilet revolution
On Nov 21, President Xi Jinping called on the nation to promote a toilet revolution nationwide, attracting extensive international attention. The move was reported and commented on by global mainstream media including the BBC in the United Kingdom, France's RFI, CNBC in the United States, Japanese newspaper Sankei, Zaobao newspaper in Singapore, and The Economic Times of India.
9. Tourism contributes more than 10 percent to global economic development and employment
The United Nations World Tourism Organization announced on Nov 27 that in 2016, tourism revenue was $7.6 trillion, accounting for 10.2 percent of global GDP, and the tourism industry hired 292 million people, accounting for 10 percent of the global workforce. It shows that tourism is playing a growing role in global economic development.
10. The United States bans travelers from six Muslim-majority countries
On Dec 4, the US Supreme Court ruled to enforce a travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries, prohibiting the entry of travelers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen into the US.
On Dec 6, US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel, provoking widespread protests.