'Friending' the family

Q. With the rapid development of the internet, will this aggravate the gap between young Chinese people and their parents?
From my perspective, the development of the internet has reduced the distance between us: we have more ways to communicate, and the cost of communication is getting lower. International calls used to be so expensive, but now you can simply make a WeChat call for free. The gap between young people and their parents is not caused by the internet. This is a problem that can arise in any era. The best solution is to have both sides open their minds to talking to each other.
Q. As a coach, you always treat your volleyball players like your own children and maintain an intimate relationship with them, both on and off the court. How do you manage that?
I have witnessed their growth, so I am just like one of their parents. Open-hearted dialogue makes us all "insiders". Every one of them is following their "Volleyball Dream", "Olympic Dream" and "Gold Dream". And as the leader of their dreams, I have a responsibility to support them.
Q. What's your plan for 2018?
Last year I laid low because of an injury and hip replacement surgery. I've recovered quite well. I feel much better this year. I've started training the girls to help the team make more progress, especially since many new players are joining the national team. Over the next two years, training these new players will be crucial.