Alaska, Nebraska governors praise trade ties

The governors of Alaska and Nebraska, in sending Chinese New Year's greetings, spoke of the strong trade their states have with China.
"Our state has great beauty and world class resources. When President Xi Jinping and Madam Peng visited in 2017, he said Alaska is Shangri-La," Alaska Governor Bill Walker said. "Our coastline and mountain vistas are matched by delicious seafood, and abundant natural resources. We trade seafood, raw materials and service shipping hubs for the Asia-Pacific. Our market is Asia."
Walker added that China has long been Alaska's largest trade partner.
In Beijing last fall, he signed an agreement for the joint development of an Alaska liquefied natural gas export project with major Chinese companies.
Witnessed by US President Donald Trump and President Xi, the agreement fulfills Alaska's and China's desires for a stable, long- term energy source.
"Thank you to President Xi for his support of the gasoline and his focus on Alaska. I look forward to attracting Chinese investment and boosting trade," said Walker, 66, an independent.
"Strengthening our business ties with China is an important part of growing the Alaskan economy.
"I wish all China Daily readers a happy Chinese New Year."
Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts said that during his first three years in office, he and his team worked to cultivate and grow a prosperous relationship with China.
China is the Cornhusker State's second-largest export market outside of North America, with nearly $1.3 billion worth of Nebraska goods going to China in 2016.
"We also imported almost $900 million worth of Chinese goods in that same year," he said.
"There are great opportunities for our relationship to grow in the future, which is why my team has led three trade missions to China in the past three years," said Ricketts, 53, a Republican.
"On behalf of all Nebraskans, I would like to wish all the people of China a happy and prosperous New Year. With 2018 the Year of the Dog, we wish you a year full of good luck," Ricketts said.
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