Folk Chinese opera staged in Chicago

"Jin Shan Temple," another traditional Chinese fairy tale, has performers dressed in full traditional costumes and make-up and featured such stunts as fire-spitting and face-changing, when a performer instantly switches masks by raising a hand, swinging a sleeve or tossing the head.
"I had read a lot about the face-changing, and I enjoyed seeing that. It was wonderful to see all the colorful costume, the make-up, the music," John Trowbridge told Xinhua, "I'm really enjoying it very much."
Henry Trowbridge, son of John Trowbridge, was impressed by the acrobatics. The teenager especially liked the part when the performers flip.
It is not the first time for Susan in her 60s to watch Chuanju. "I've seen the joker blowing candle before, and face-changing, I know there are masks."
"I like when they change the masks, and I like the costumes, I like the colors of the costumes," Susan stressed.