Irresistible attractions

It's now been dubbed the twin sister of the Grand Canyon, a gorge on the Colorado River in Arizona in the United States.
In October 2016, the Enshi Grand Canyon signed a "sister-canyon" cooperation memorandum with the Grand Canyon Resort Corporation to strengthen exchanges in marketing and training.
The Enshi Grand Canyon is a typical karst landscape, with cliffs, caves, rock pillars, subsurface streams and waterfalls.
And if you walk on the stone paths built along the cliffs, you might just became enveloped by a sea of clouds.
There are also gigantic rock pillars in a variety of shapes, including one shaped like a Chinese paint brush.
The signature rock pillar nicknamed the "incense stick" stands at 150 meters high, with a diameter of 6 meters at the base.
It takes several hours to climb to the Seven Star Village where local vendors sell boiled eggs, fried potato pies and fresh vegetables.
Afterwards, you can take a series of escalators down to the foot of the canyon and enjoy the views along the way.