
Mikhail Pletnev & Russian
National Orchestra
Date: March 15 - 7:30 pm
Venue: NCPA, Beijing
Mikhail Pletnev's genius as pianist, conductor and composer enchants and amazes audiences around the globe. He was Gold Medal and First Prize winner of the 1978 Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition when he was only 21, a prize that earned him early recognition worldwide. An invitation to perform at the 1988 superpower summit in Washington led to a friendship with Mikhail Gorbachev and the historic opportunity to make music in artistic freedom. The Russian National Orchestra was founded in 1990 by pianist and conductor Mikhail Pletnev and today is widely recognized as one of the world's top orchestras.
The Key Theater: When All Was Green
Date: March 10-April 1 - 10 am/3 pm
Venue: Nanshan Culture & Sports
Center Micro Theater, Shenzhen Through old books, recycled bindings and yellowing pages a story is told about a boy and a tree, about childhood and adolescence, about fields that are lost between gray concrete and about one green bud of hope. The Key Theatre was established in 1998, a collaboration between writer Dikla Katz and actor Avi Zlicha - graduates of Tel-Aviv University from the Film and TV and Theater departments respectively. As a theater for young audiences that travels in Israel and abroad, they seek to reach audiences from different cultures and backgrounds and strive to create performances which will be artistic as well as thought-provoking. They seek to encourage curiosity and imagination and believe that by creating fantastic, nonrealistic children's theater we can make a basis for acquaintance and a wide understating of the place we are living in.