2018  April 8-11
Xi earns plaudits at Boao Forum
The speech delivered by President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum has earned wide praise from foreign entrepreneurs and scholars.
David Gosset, French scholar, founder of the Europe-China Forum
"President Xi's speech both sends a signal for the present and also bears significance for the longer term. China is opening its markets in key sectors and this is a signal, in my view, sent to Donald Trump. Trade war is not a solution, but two-way opening up and negotiation is."
Dan Steinbock, founder of the Difference Group
"It was a balancing act that highlighted China’s goal of safeguarding the open global economy, even amid intensified trade conflicts with the Trump administration."
Laurence Brahm, founding director of Himalayan Consensus
"In the shadow of a unilateral trade war that Trump threatens to launch, China stands as a beacon promoting multilateral trade, transport and communication integration, technology advancement and environmental protectionism." 
Carla De Utra Mendes, Ph.D in Global Studies from the University of Saint Joseph
"China stands as a bastion for free trade and openness, striving to achieve a new global model where developed and developing countries assume responsibilities together, integrate their economies and pursue common equal growth." 
Buddhi Prasad Sharma, president of Himalaya Dialogue and Leadership Foundation
"President Xi's eloquent speech has given very positive signs for enhancing cooperation on trade and other many fronts. Now it seems his approach building community of shared future for mankind is actually being directed to contribute to peace, development and harmony in the world." 
Denis Depoux, China CEO for global consultancy Roland Berger
"With a special emphasis on the equality of intellectual property rights for all companies, President Xi underscored how this would stimulate innovation in a global context." 
Christian Rainer, publisher and editor-in-chief of Austrian news magazine Profil Redaktion GmbH
"What President Xi said about the automotive industry is significant for Austria, because the country is a big supplier of automotive parts. It will be good for the Austrian economy if a lot of restrictions China still has in that sector will be reduced." 
Denis Depoux, China CEO for global consultancy Roland Berger
"The President not only pledged reform…he also highlighted several key measures regarding the Chinese market, and we want them to be implemented sooner rather than later." 
Editor & Designer: Sun Xiaoyu