Golden age for Chinese film industry going global

At present, an OTT channel can provide direct access to audiences, with no intermediaries, which leads to two-way interaction, with audiences providing invaluable feedback on what they like and what they don't like, what they find cool and relevant and what doesn't pass that test.
"Also, the largest segment of the OTT audience is young people. These are the viewers who most value this medium for its flexibility and ability to put them in direct charge of the content they watch. Again, these young people are the trend-setters and will be key to shifting how the rest of the world views China and its culture."
In recent years, Cinedigm Corporation has successfully helped a number of Chinese films such as Aftershock, Beginning of The Great Revival, Yip Man and Extraordinary Mission to reach more audiences in North America.
Cinedigm Corp is about to launch a Chinese channel in the United States and Canada to present a broader ray of Chinese entertainment and cultural content in a positive way, opening up a sort of new world viewing for audiences in North America.
According to McGurk, "Close cooperation and leadership from China and the United States is absolutely vital to the positive growth of the Internet and entertainment business."