UN officials call for new approach to sustaining peace


Speakers in the opening session included Michelle Yeoh, an actress and UN Development Programme (UNDP) Goodwill Ambassador, and Ishmael Beah, UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) Advocate for Children Affected by War.
The United Nations has begun shifting its efforts toward prevention, Yeoh said, noting that the resolution has emphasized prevention, inclusion and women's essential role in the peacebuilding process.
"Indeed, inclusive and sustained peacebuilding required the full participation of women... Gender equality contributed to durable peace and sustainable development," she said.
Looking forward, funds are needed to advance gender equality, especially in peacebuilding contexts, she said.
Building and sustaining peace is at the core of the United Nations: to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, sustainable development is needed, she said.
In fact, sustainable development and sustainable peace must be achieved in concert, she added.
In that light, the United Nations needs the time, space and resources to pursue long-term strategies that yield long-term results, she noted.