55 Palestinians killed in bloody day of clashes in eastern Gaza

Devorn told a news conference at Shiffa Hospital in Gaza: "We call on all parties to take all feasible precautions to minimize civilian casualties and avoid losses and casualties."
Islamic Hamas movement spokesman Hazem Qasem said earlier that "the Palestinians won't accept by all means to keep living under the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip, and they are determined to write their document of self-determination."
Top Hamas leader in Gaza Mahmoud Zahar told reporters during his participation in the rallies in southern Gaza Strip that despite the crimes of killing and wounding Palestinians, "we will carry on with our marches until our goals are achieved."
"The Israeli threats of targeting Hamas leaders and Palestinian militants reflect the terrorism that Israel is practicing against our people and an evidence of its failure to confront the Palestinian people," said Zahar.
Rallies, protests and confrontations reached its peak on Monday as part of what the Palestinians call "the Great Marche of Return" which started on March 30 and had so far left 104 killed and 12,000 injured.
"(US President Donald) Trump who is moving today his country's embassy to Jerusalem without any concerns or deterrence, is the first and only responsible for the suffering of the Palestinian people's blood shedding today," said Zahar.
Representatives of the National Commission of the Great March of Return said in a news briefing in eastern Gaza city "we call on our people to keep all fronts of struggle opened against the occupation."
"We fully hold the United States and the occupation fully responsible for today's bloody massacre in Gaza. Tomorrow will be a day of grief to reward the spirits of the martyrs and we call on our populations to carry on with the marches of return without a stop," the commission said.
Khalil al-Hayyah, deputy of Hamas chief in Gaza, affirmed "the peaceful marches will continue," saying the Palestinians "who live bitterly life for 70 years will not remain silent and will not retreat until achieving their return, defeating the occupation and establishing their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital."