China, CEE countries to deepen cooperation in forestry

BELGRADE -- China and Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries are willing to further deepen their cooperation in the area of forestry and work together on preventing negative effects of climate change, participants of the 2nd High Level Meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for Cooperation in Forestry between China and the CEEC agreed on Monday.
Opening at the Palace of Serbia, representatives of China and 16 CEE countries gathered at the biennial event to access the progress achieved within the mechanism in the past two years since it was established, lay plans for the upcoming two years, and exchange views about climate change and forestry in 21st century.
Liu Dongsheng, deputy head of China's State Forestry and Grassland Administration, said at the press conference after the meeting that China and 16 CEE countries have common views on climate change, and need to cope together against its negative effects, especially through foresting.
He continued that China, which has become a global leader in foresting over the past years, wishes to exchange experiences with CEE countries through the 16+1 cooperation mechanism.
"The emission of CO2 should be decreased, while surface under forests should be increased, and this is an honorable task for which we also have the support of our people," he said.
He suggested establishment of forestry-related multilateral or bilateral platforms among the members of the 16+1 cooperation mechanism in order to boost cooperation among universities and academic bodies, and promote exchange in science and research.