China to share its development experience in Dubai's 2020 Expo

In the structure of the kinship between the United Arab Emirates and the People's Republic of China, China reported their official interest in Expo 2020 in Dubai, through an entire suite at an expected cost of in excess of $100.5 million.
The Chinese segment will exhibit the "one-way one belt" activity, and also the different mechanical and logical advancements and accomplishments that add to molding present day China.
The Chinese Pavilion will display China's human advancement and social legacy, and its mechanical and modern developments. It will feature the promising open doors for participation with different parts of the world, with an emphasis on the current bilateral relations with the UAE.
China's segment in Expo 2020 Dubai will grandstand its mechanical and institutional development capacities. The segment will incorporate China's most critical advancements and accomplishments in segments, for example, innovation, science, data, education, communications and artificial intelligence.
Investment in Expo 2020 Dubai offers an essential stage through which China can share its advancement involvement with the world, advance global participation and construct a superior future for mankind.