What's happening in the world next week

Japan's Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, will pay an official visit to China, Brexit's impact is likely to be a topic in the Irish presidential election, trade ministers will gather in the Canadian capital, Ottawa, to discuss troubled World Trade Organization reforms, a European Central Bank meeting will announce monetary policy and the decisive run-off vote will be held in the Brazilian presidential election.
These political events will be under the spotlight for the week starting Oct 22.
Abe to pay official visit to China

Abe's visit to China from Oct 25 to 27 is at the invitation of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.
Abe will meet Li and other Chinese leaders for talks, and they are expected to exchange views on improving and developing bilateral ties and on global and regional issues of common concern.
They will also hold a reception marking the 40th anniversary of the signing of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship and a forum on third-party market cooperation between the two countries.
In sending a ritual offering to a controversial war shrine on Wednesday, Abe cast a shadow over the coming visit and jeopardized the warming of Sino-Japanese relationship, experts said.