Fantastaco, home cooking from Mexico

Mexico: The Cookbook is the definitive bible of home cooking from Mexico. With a culinary history dating back 9,000 years, Mexican food draws influences from Aztec and Mayan Indians, and is renowned for its use of fresh, aromatic ingredients, colourful presentations and bold food combinations.
The book features more than 650 authentic recipes that can be easily recreated at home. From tamales, fajitas, tacos and molés to cactus salad, blue crab soup and melonseed juice, the recipes are a celebration of the fresh flavours and ingredients from a country whose cuisine is revered around the world.
Organised by food type and style (street food, starters, drinks, fish and seafood, meat and poultry, vegetables, pulses and rice, and dessert), Mexico: The Cookbook also includes an extensive introduction to Mexican culinary history, ingredients and techniques, while a Chef Menu section proffers inspirational recipes and menus by some of the world's most prominent Mexican chefs.
Celebrities are loving it, too. Actress Eva Longoria proclaims: "All my life, I have wanted to travel through Mexico to learn authentic recipes from each region – and now I don't have to!" And indeed, so say all of us.