Six measures Xi introduces to support private businesses

Third, the playing field should be leveled.
Various hidden restrictions and hindrances for private enterprises should be removed. An environment of fair play should be created for private enterprises in market access, administrative approvals, business operations, bids and tenders and military-civil integration. Private firms are encouraged to participate in the reform of State-owned enterprises.
Fourth, policy implementation should be improved.
Policies should be better coordinated and implemented meticulously to give private firms a stronger sense of fulfillment. In the process of reducing overcapacity and leverage, the same standards should be observed for enterprises of all types of ownership. In law enforcement involving work safety and environmental protection, authorities should avoid the one-size-fits-all approach.
Fifth, a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business should be established.
Party committees and governments at all levels should spend more time and energy caring for private enterprises and entrepreneurs, listen to their opinions and appeals and take initiatives to help them solve problems. Major policies should be explained correctly, and any erroneous assertions should be cleared up.