Denmark to display green technologies at CIIE

A delegation of Danish companies will participate in the China International Import Expo, from Nov 5 to 10 in Shanghai, with green products and technologies.
The delegation will be led by Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, Ulla Tornaes, and highlight Denmark's products and technologies in the areas of sustainability and food safety.
"The Danish presence at CIIE testifies to the strong commitment of many Danish companies in China and the importance of the Chinese market for Danish exports and the internationalization of Danish companies," Tornaes said.
The theme for Denmark's national pavilion and the delegated companies is "sustainability". Tornaes said she believes that Danish enterprises have tangible and innovative solutions to challenges that Chinese society is facing.
Danish companies that will represent Denmark at CIIE are forerunners in the areas of green energy, environment and food. During CIIE, the Danish food exhibition Food Nation will also showcase the expertise of Danish companies in the area of high quality food.