Beacons of distinction

Last year, Ball was awarded the prestigious Governor General's Medallion by the Canadian government in recognition of his efforts in promoting relations between China and Canada.
The latest addition to his trophy cabinet came on Sept 12 when Ball was conferred the Magnolia Silver Award, one of the highest honors a foreigner can receive in Shanghai.
Ball's eagerness to help others extends beyond the commercial realm, too. The Canadian is a fervent supporter of blood donation and has constantly been encouraging his employees to do so. He has also been an ardent supporter of the Shanghai government's Love Under the Blue Sky charity project.
"I'm delighted to have won the Magnolia Award. I think it's wonderful that Shanghai can reach out and recognize that there are foreigners out there who have performed to the benefit of the city. I am very proud of the fact that I have managed to make a small contribution to the progress of the city," he said.
"We just want to make the world a better place. If we can help other people, companies, China or Canada, we're willing to do so. We don't mind going out of our way to help promote multiculturalism, trade and commercialism around the world. To me, this is an obligation. We need to reach out and look beyond our own needs and help the world."