China's open market policy recipe for intl trade order: Experts

China's move to open its growing consumer market could bring international trade order, African experts said on Monday.
The experts were discussing remarks made by President Xi Jinping at the opening of the China International Import Expo on Monday.
More than 3,000 companies from about 130 countries are attending the six-day expo.
From Africa, Nigerian and Egyptian companies joined those from Germany and Japan, among others, at a cavernous convention center in Shanghai, China.
On display are US automobile parts, electronics from Japan, technology supplies from European pharmaceutical companies and African tea.
President Xi said the expo demonstrated China's sincere commitment to open the Chinese market.
In an interview, Enock Nyorekwa Twinoburyo, an economist based in Rwandan capital Kigali, said China opening up its market is a starting gesture in a world where international trade is on a downward trend.
"In the regime of trade wars emerging, this China import expo may be an avenue to bring international trade order. The need for non-prohibitive regimes remains warranted," Twinoburyo said.
Xi said the expo will help deepen international trade and economic cooperation, promote Belt and Road construction and advance economic globalization.
Twinoburyo noted that China has always had a generous import regime for African countries, and an open market policy could be an effective way to restore trade balance between Africa and world, as well as China, in the long term.
Over the long term, Africa's trade share to world has remained between 2-3 percent, he noted, adding that Africa's competitiveness requires support by structural transformation from production of raw products to adding value.