Marvelous superheroes from Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee

It’s a sad day for Marvel Comics' fans as Stan Lee, the legendary writer and publisher of Marvel Comics, died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on Nov 12. He was 95.
The iconic man created such indelible characters as the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Black Panther, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man and the X-Men, among others, making himself a real-life superhero to comic book lovers everywhere, including China.
Chinese fans have filled social media platforms with condolence messages on the loss of the legendary man.
"Stan Lee created Spider-Man, one of my greatest childhood icons. It was heartbreaking when I heard of his tragic passing. Thank You, Mr Lee for crafting some of the icons of my childhood that I will never forget and I hope you rest in peace," said Sina Weibo user Xiao Shentong1992.
"Thank you for all the heroes you made for us. There won’t be Marvel without you. We will miss you and your legendary work will live on forever. You are our true superhero," another WeChat user Guan Xiaoyu added.
In shaping his superheroes, Lee did not intend to make them perfect. Instead, he gave them character flaws behind their supernatural power. He once said in an interview that he wanted to make those superheroes enjoyed real flesh-and-blood characters with personality.
Also, it is worth noting that each time a new Marvel movie comes out, the one thing hardcore fans can count on is that Stan Lee will appear in some scenes, a hard proof to show his deepest love of his heroes.
Let's take a look at the iconic superheroes created by Stan Lee.