S&P DJI to add A-Shares to global indices

Standard & Poor's Dow Jones indices will include China A-Shares to S&P DJI's Global Benchmark Indices, the company announced on Wednesday.
The eligible China A-Shares include those accessible via the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Northbound Connect or Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Northbound Connect facilities.
These A-Shares will be added to S&P DJI's Global Benchmark Indices with an Emerging Market classification effective prior to the market's opening on Sept 23, 2019, using a reduced weight factor of 25 percent of each company's investable weight factor.
The company made the decision after recognizing the importance of China in global investment portfolios and the evolution of its markets over the last decades especially since China's reform and opening-up.
With further opened financial market, China now has increased market accessibility to foreign investors through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect programs. The Shanghai-London Stock Connect, which was initiated in late 2015, is also expected to take effect this month.