Searching for the Lotus-Born Master (Ⅴ)

According to legend, the king of Zahor was very angry to find Padmasambhava was with the princess as it broke the rules of the kingdom that were very strict pertaining to nuns. He ordered the princess to be put into jail. We found the jail. It is still there in the old section of a city called Mandi, which was once the capital of the kingdom of Zahor. Today, the shrine is a Shakti temple, worshiped by both Buddhists and Hindus.
The king then ordered his ministers to burn Padmasambhava alive at the stick for breaking the rules of the kingdom. Amazingly, rain put the fire out and Padmasambhava was unharmed, floating on the lake upon a lotus. This amazed everyone, especially the king, who upon realizing that Padmasambhava was the great Guru, supplicated himself before the Guru, and offered him his entire kingdom. Padmasambhava did not want the kingdom. He wanted the princess to his partner practicing consort yoga to achieve a spectrum of light energy fields that would come to be known as the rainbow body.