Visit recalled deep in heart of Texas

Foster recalled that Deng had voiced an interest in visiting Houston because of the oil and gas technology. "He also expressed interest in visiting the space center, because he was intrigued. So Houston was penciled in on his itinerary," he said.
The visit to Simonton by the Chinese was reported across the US and shown on TV. It was a big deal for a small town covering just over 5 square kilometers and with a population of about 600 in 1979.
The visit was the talk of the town for days afterward. Van Dries was teased at school for falling off her horse, while her father received "thank you" letters from then-President Jimmy Carter and other officials.
As time passes, the significance of the Chinese visit to Simonton has become increasingly clear to Van Dries.
"It was important then, but I had no idea how significant it was until a group of Chinese media representatives came and told me a few years ago. I didn't have any idea about the effect of his trip to Texas," she said, referring to a documentary made by the group a few years ago about Deng's visit.
It was a great feeling to be part of an important historic event, Van Dries said. "I am proud, I am proud of this place, too. That is something I share when I meet people. It's important to me that people know."
She is still taking part in rodeo shows and competitions across the US. "Horses are in my blood," she said.
Round-Up Rodeo, established in 1962, was bought by Louie Van Dries in 1972. He put in a steakhouse and a barbecue restaurant at the venue. For years, it was the place to go to for dining, music, dancing and rodeo events for people in the area and nearby Houston.
The first Saturday of every month was a big music night at Round-Up Rodeo. Many musicians who played there later became big stars in US country music, including George Strait and Reba McEntire. Van Dries still has the contract signed by McEntire.
Jimmy Carter's daughter Amy visited Round-up Rodeo one night just to try her hand at a calf scramble, where calves and a larger number of teenagers are let loose in a ring. The teens try to catch, halter and coax the calves into one area of the ring.
Country legend Johnny Cash also performed at the venue.