全球化4.0(quánqiúhuà 4.0): Globalization 4.0

Globalization 4.0 was widely discussed by world leaders and the global business elite at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Globalization 4.0 refers to a new wave of globalization centered on the digital economy.
With populism and protectionism on the rise, globalization and free trade have faced great challenges.
Globalization 4.0 is intended to be a new framework in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era. Which indicates that globalization is not at its end, instead it is entering a new phase.
Globalization 4.0 is closely related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, represented by the appearance of new technologies including artificial intelligence, robots, the internet of things and autonomous vehicles. Globalization in the past benefited from global free trade, and the new round of globalization depends on digital connectivity and data flows.
But globalization 4.0 also faces the challenges of anti-globalization. For instance, countries may promote protectionism in the name of safeguarding their own interests. People should be aware that the better attitude is joint efforts and cooperation rather than a zero-sum mentality.