The entrepreneur's haven

Nusic to the ears of startup founders
Norwegian Lars Traaholt Vagnes, 24, has been busy of late organizing a music competition that tries to unearth the best original music creator around the world. His aim is to popularize his team's music platform Nusic, an AI-enabled virtual DJ platform, through the competition.
According to Vagnes, who graduated last summer from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with computer engineering as his major, the competition aims to look for innovation and creativity in a musician's approach rather than technique.
Vagnes co-founded a startup a year ago, which allows people with musical creativity to display their talent. The startup currently has its China head office in Shanghai, and has received $250,000 in investment from foreign investors so far.
Musicians in China find it difficult to make money as the market is still maturing and improving. "I hope the platform will encourage creative and innovative music," said Vagnes.
Inspired by people around him who are passionate in doing their own business, Vagnes decided to create his own business in the vast China market.
After meeting his business partner Adam Place from Bristol of England, he decided to develop a platform jointly with his other partners for using AI and allowing music creators to monetize their work.
Currently, about 20 music creators from China and overseas have uploaded their works on to the platform. Their number is increasing at a weekly growth rate of 15 percent.
The experience of being an entrepreneur is fun, as one can "get to follow your vision and be passionate," said Vagnes.
Many people too are planning to start a business, and Shanghai is one of the ideal places to realize their dreams as the city is cosmopolitan, has a strong Chinese component, and boasts international talent, he said.
"Shanghai, even the whole of China, is full of energy and opportunity … I'm inspired by people here who are doing big projects, and I want to be one of them," said Vagnes.