Strengthening regional connectivity

Editor's Note: The Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was held in Beijing from April 25 to 27. China Daily interviewed top business executives from well-known multinational companies for their views and suggestions on the initiative.
Q1: What is your view of the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China six years ago? Will the initiative be beneficial to your country or region?
Q2: Do you think the initiative will help fuel global economic growth and free trade and investment? Are there any new industries in your country or region made possible by the BRI?
Q3: How does the BRI benefit your business in China and worldwide? How does your company plan to further participate in the initiative?
Q4: What suggestions do you have for improving the implementation of the BRI?
Q5: Are there infrastructure projects that your country or region would not be able to implement without the BRI? Can you give examples of how these help the economy of your country or region?