Summits will uphold Asian consensus: China Daily editorial

In a stark contrast with the unilateralism and protectionism of some developed countries — notably the United States whose unruly behavior has harmed not only the global economy but also international relations — the principles of multilateralism, equality and inclusiveness are the consensus of countries in Asia.
Which explains why both the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia have developed to be important regional platforms, as both seek to uphold and promote these principles.
And since meetings of like-minded leaders tend to be both amiable and productive, that explains why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs struck a positive note in its briefing on President Xi Jinping's visit to Central Asia from Wednesday to Saturday, during which he will pay state visits to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and attend the 19th summit of the SCO in the Kyrgyzstan capital Bishkek and the fifth summit of the CICA that is being held in the Tajikistan capital Dushanbe.
In contrast to the series of fruitless and divided meetings among the developed economies recently as a result of the US badgering its partners to fall in line behind its "America First" agenda, the efficiency and unity that have been displayed at previous SCO and CICA summits are expected to be clearly evident again this week.
The US could take a leaf out of the cooperative book of the SCO and CICA, whose members appreciate that potential inducements for confrontation can be the impetus for cooperation, since differences do not have to be reasons for conflicts and wars, but can instead create space and potential for dialogue and mutual understanding.
Which is something the US president might like to bear in mind should he meet with Xi at the G20 Summit in Osaka at the end of this month as he desires.
Certainly countries in the region value their cultural pluralism as an important resource for mutual learning, and regard their respective development stages as the foundation for economic and trade complementarity.
As a result, it is anticipated that the two summits will once again showcase the collective awakening of the emerging market economies to the inevitability of striving for a fairer world order that protects their rights and interests.
Only those opposed to the notion of the developing countries in Asia strengthening their cooperation could have any qualms about the SCO and CICA, which in bringing their members together to realize universal security and common development are helping to build a community of a shared future in Asia.