Unusual but true: A woolly replica of community

Eximus IV claims world's most energy efficient vehicle

Once a year, the Delsbo Electric contest in Sweden challenges students to create and improve on the world's most energy-efficient vehicles.
This year's champ, the Eximus IV, smashed all previous records with 0.603 watt-hours per person per kilometer. For the entire six-person sled, the efficiency works out around 687 MPGe.

Team Eximus, a joint effort between Dalarna University and Chalmers Technical University, has become a bit of a legend in the Delsbo contest, setting new world efficiency records every year since the team's debut in 2016.
The contest takes place on rails, to minimize rolling resistance, and requires contestants to drive 3.36 kilometers carrying six passengers with an average weight of 50 kilograms per person.