China's ABS sees year record high in June

BEIJING - The volume of asset-backed securities (ABS) products in June hit a record for 2019 with debt investment making up a major part, according to the Asset Management Association of China (AMAC).
The AMAC said 100 batches of ABS products worth 107.5 billion yuan ($15.6 billion) were registered in June.
By the end of June, 132 institutions have put 2,244 batches of ABS products on record valuing 3.04 trillion yuan, including 868 batches of liquidated products and 1,376 batches of remained products.
The performance was mainly attributed to the debt financing worth 1.19 trillion yuan, accounting for 81.71 percent of total transaction volume. Meanwhile, the future operating income and real estate investment trusts (REITs) took up 12.45 percent and 5.81 percent respectively.