Controversial Da Vinci exhibition attracts many visitors

As the world's art mecca, the Louvre in Paris, is bracing for its October Leonardo da Vinci extravaganza, a recently-opened Da Vinci show in Beijing has already successfully stolen the limelight amid the global celebrations of the fifth centenary of the Renaissance master's death.
Leonardo and his Outstanding Circle, hosted by the Art Museum of Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), was shrouded in doubts and criticism even before its opening on Thursday.
The show, putting the spotlight on the Leonardeschi, the Leonardo School, presents 30 paintings from personal collections that are said to be created by the Renaissance titan, his disciples and followers.
Four of the showpieces, including Lucan Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci and Mary Magdalene, can be attributed to the Renaissance genius. Such is the belief held by Nicola Barbatelli, an Italian art historian and the exhibit's curator.