Paintings of oil lamps create illuminating show in Sydney

Lighting up Generations: Theme Exhibition of Oil Lamp by Contemporary Chinese Artists, a show of 50 Chinese paintings with oil lamps from famous contemporary artists, opened on Friday at the China Cultural Center in Sydney, Australia.
The Chinese oil lamp has accumulated a rich cultural heritage in its 5,000-year development and represents an important part of traditional Chinese culture. Chinese oil lamps feature various shapes and materials across different historical periods. These objects embody the wisdom and creation of skilled craftsmen of past dynasties, showing regional cultural differences and reflecting the diversity of Chinese culture. The oil lamp burning itself to illuminate others is the gentleman's character that Chinese have extolled for generations.
In his speech at the opening ceremony, Zhang Yingbao, cultural counselor of the Chinese Consulate-General in Sydney, said that the oil lamp has witnessed the rapid development of China. This is an exhibition of history and memory, art and personality. Australian people can not only understand the splendor of Chinese oil lamp culture, but also appreciate the unique charm of the art of Chinese ink paintings.