Quotable quotes from Sixth World Internet Conference

The sixth World Internet Conference ended on Tuesday. Focusing on the theme "Intelligent Interconnection for Openness and Cooperation: Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace", the conference discussed the development trends of cyberspace, demonstrated innovative achievements in information technology, and outlined a path to openness and cooperation in cyberspace.
The three-day conference once again attracted the world's attention to Wuzhen, as well as heavyweight participants and people with professional and profound thinking at the forefront of the ever-changing arena of the internet industry.
They were at the opening ceremony and various theme forums on 5G, artificial intelligence, the internet of things and other new technologies and formats, entering discussions and sharing ideas and thoughts.
Let's explore and understand what they were saying as they presented the world of the internet, and, along with their listeners, lit the light of its future.