Beijing annual museum pass on sale

An annual museum pass for 2020 was released by the Beijing Museums Association in Tuesday, and will enable visitors to enter 111 institutions in the capital city at either free or discounted rates next year.
The annual pass, costing 120 yuan ($17.1), is designed as a booklet. It also offers a brief introduction to destinations, as well as transport and contact information. It is sold through post offices, Xinhua Bookstores, ticket offices of museums, WeChat, its official website,, and hotline(010)62213256.
Most tickets in the booklet can be used for two adult visitors.
The list of museums in the annual pass includes historical, popular science, and fine art institutions across Beijing. If all tickets in the annual pass were purchased individually, it would cost around 3,000 yuan. Follow-up lectures and group visits to the museums will also be organized to better inform and facilitate the public.
Beijing has the most registered museums as of 2018, with a total of 179.