Specialization key to economic transformation

Editor's note: The Chinese government has adopted a series of measures to boost economic growth, including stimulating consumption, further opening up to foreign investment, supporting private enterprises and encouraging technological innovation. China Daily interviewed senior executives of well-known multinational companies to share their views on the country's economic development and their companies' business strategies in China.
Nation's shift to high-quality development requires greater focus on core businesses aligned with market trends
Q1: China has rolled out a series of measures to stimulate consumer spending and boost economic growth. What opportunities are there for your business?
Q2: Overall Chinese economic growth has slowed, but the top-line numbers remain relatively robust. In what areas do you plan to increase investment or employment?
Q3: What business opportunities do you see as China continues to pursue higher-quality growth, which is increasingly driven by services and consumption?
Q4: What do you see as the most resilient part of the Chinese economy and how do you plan to align your business with it?
Q5: How has your company adjusted to the uncertainties brought by trade frictions between China and the United States?
Q6: China has adopted policies to further open the economy to foreign investment, to transform financial services and to promote private enterprises. How are you planning to take advantage of these policies?
Q7: How does your company plan to take advantage of the technology transformation opportunities in China over the next decade?