An unusual seasoning

Potatoes & pork in red sauce
? 400 g potatoes
? 400 g belly pork
? 4 cloves garlic
? 1 red chili
? 2 cubes fermented red bean curd
? 1 tbsp Chinese wine
? Salt, sugar, sesame oil to taste
Peel the potatoes, and cut into thick slices. Rinse in lightly salted water.
Rinse the whole piece of belly pork and blanch in boiling water for five minutes. Remove and cool, then cut into slices as thick as the potatoes.
Break up two cubes of fermented red bean curd. Add sugar, wine and sesame oil to make a paste.
Mince garlic and cut the chili into strips.
Deep-fry potatoes in medium hot oil until they are lightly golden. Drain on kitchen towels to absorb excess fat.
Brown garlic and bean curd paste. Add the potatoes and pork belly pieces. Add enough stock or water to cover and simmer for about 20 minutes until the liquid is reduced and thickened, and both meat and potatoes are tender.
Plate and garnish with chili strips and coriander.