Policies, measures introduced to fight against epidemic

9. Online recruitment encouraged
Companies and administrative units are encouraged to postpone on-the-spot recruitment and organize written tests, interviews and labor contract signings online, according to a notice released on Feb 5 by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly with four other central government departments.
It also called for improved sharing of job vacancy information on websites run by governments and colleges to help students keep updated on the job market.
10. Care services for children lacking effective guardianship
The Ministry of Civil Affairs urged local authorities to quickly identify young children lacking effective guardianship and provide timely assistance, care and protection amid nationwide efforts to pinpoint and quarantine all novel coronavirus carriers and suspicious cases.
The targets are minors whose parents are isolated during the outbreak, as well as those whose parents are involved in epidemic prevention efforts and cannot look after their children, according to a circular released by the ministry on Feb 11.
Children who are isolated for medical treatment or observation should be monitored during the entire process, and after being discharged from quarantine sites they should be assigned a temporary guardian, it said.