Vlogger demonstrates crafty way to pass the time

For the past month, Chinese residents have been strictly limiting their need to leave their homes, either by choice or by order, in a bid to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.
As they wait out the epidemic, many people confined to their homes try to conquer their boredom by doing things that will make the extended Spring Festival break fulfilling, such as reading books, watching movies, working out, improving their culinary skills and making handicrafts out of mundane things found around the home. For those of a creative bent, it might be worth following He Hongyan, a Chengdu-based vlogger who has demonstrated her talent for turning commonplace materials into astonishingly exquisite accessories.
From the video clips she has posted on Bilibili and other social media platforms, we can watch as she applies a golden touch to odds and ends found around the home, ranging from a small box or beverage can to tissues and sandpaper, creating ornaments with complex designs and sublime craftsmanship.