List of countries reporting virus infections growing

Italy has in recent days become Europe's worst-affected country, with more than 370 cases and 12 deaths.
But health ministers from France, Germany, Italy and the European Commission committed to keeping borders open at a meeting on Tuesday as new cases of the virus emerged throughout Europe and in central and southern Italy.
Iran's coronavirus death toll rose to 19 on Wednesday, the highest outside China. Iran's deputy health minister and a member of parliament were among the more than 130 people infected, according to the BBC.
There were fears that the many Shiite Muslim pilgrims and migrant workers who have traveled between Iran and other parts of the region in recent weeks could already have spread the virus, according to the BBC.
Iran is believed to have been the source of the first cases reported by neighboring Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait and Oman, which have now imposed restrictions on travel to and from Iran, the BBC said.
On Wednesday, South Korea's number of infections climbed to 1,261, with 11 deaths. The US military confirmed its first case among soldiers based there.