World CEOs optimistic about China's economic outlook

Howard Ozawa, president and CEO of Canon China
In the past few weeks, I've seen China's response to the novel coronavirus outbreak. The Chinese government has made enormous efforts and taken unprecedented measures, so the epidemic has been under control. At the same time, against the backdrop of economic globalization, all countries and peoples belong to a community of a shared future. Therefore, China's timely and effective move against the epidemic also shows it takes a responsible attitude towards the international community.
It can't be denied the outbreak will pose challenges to China's economic growth this year, but Canon believes China will maintain strong growth momentum as the authority continues to implement a series of new policies to stimulate the economy, and people from all walks of life work together to meet the challenge. China is still an important market, with high-speed growth around the world.
The epidemic has demonstrated China's significance to the world economy. Some global industries have been affected by the outbreak, but Canon believes the impact will be temporary. With China's effective response to the outbreak and the resumption of work and production, the world's second-largest economy will quickly regain its vitality of the past and continue to propel the global economy forward.