UK health secretary tests positive for novel coronavirus

United Kingdom Health Secretary Matt Hancock has tested positive for novel coronavirus, shortly after Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed he too was tested positive.
Hancock said he is experiencing mild symptoms and plans to self-isolate at home until next week.
"I've been working from home the last couple of days because everyone who can work from home should work from home," Hancock said in a video on Twitter. "I have also had some mild symptoms of coronavirus and upon medical advice I have been tested and that test has been positive, so I will be self isolating here until next Thursday. Fortunately for me the symptoms have been very mild, so I have been able to carry on with the work of driving forward the UK response."
BBC Newsnight Policy Editor Lewis Goodall noted on Twitter that Hancock's infection means "the two most important political figures in dealing with the government's response now have the disease".

Hancock made the announcement a short while after Johnson informed the public that he has tested positive for novel coronavirus and is in self-isolation at home.
The health secretary said he will be "continuing to do everything I can to get our carers the support they need".
"And I will be doing that from here, but with no less gusto," he said. "And from next Thursday, once I'm out of self-isolation, and I hope with no more symptoms, I will be able to get back stuck into the office where necessary."