Moscow introduces home isolation regime for all residents

MOSCOW - Moscow residents will not be allowed to leave their apartments unless for exceptional reasons from Monday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said Sunday.
"Starting tomorrow, the home mode of self-isolation is introduced for all Moscow residents, regardless of age," Sobyanin said in a statement on his website.
According to the statement, Muscovites will only be allowed to leave apartments for emergency medical assistance and in case of other direct threats to life and health. They will also be able to go to work if required to. In addition, they can go to the nearest store and pharmacy, walk pets at a distance not exceeding 100 meters from the place of residence, and take out household garbage.
Over the coming week, a smart system will be deployed to monitor the compliance with the home isolation regime. "Gradually, but steadily, we will tighten the control necessary in this situation," Sobyanin added.
It is noted that the regime does not limit the right of citizens to come to Moscow or leave the city.
A regional compensation payment to the unemployed is introduced under the current difficult situation, he said.
Russia has registered 270 new cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, the sharpest daily increase so far, raising the total number to 1,543, of which 1,014 cases were confirmed in Moscow.