Lang Lang to star in global concert honoring medics

A six-hour online pre-telecast show with dozens of artists will begin at 2 pm US Eastern Time on April 18 before the two-hour special gets underway with more celebrities joining in. Lang Lang as well as Hong Kong pop singers Jacky Cheung and Eason Chan will perform during the six-hour-long event.
The digital stream will be available on social media platforms, including Alibaba, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Tencent Music Entertainment Group.
"We are grateful to the private sector who have listened to the public's call for action and come together to support the global response to COVID-19. This pandemic is too large for governments to tackle alone," said Hugh Evans, co-founder and CEO of Global Citizen. "We are also incredibly grateful for the continued support from the artist community to make One World: Together At Home a moment of global unity. Our hope for the special is that everyone will come away believing that we, as a shared humanity, can emerge from this moment forever grateful for the work of doctors, nurses, teachers, grocery store workers and all those who are the backbone of our communities."