A new science age dawns

Now switch to the present day. In a street interview in Beijing by the Institute of Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, people were asked about their knowledge of quantum mechanics. Not surprisingly many shook their heads.
The interview was recorded and released as a prelude to a 2020 New Year science speech by Cao Zexian, a professor with the institute. Live online, the speech even challenged the popular New Year variety galas on show at the same time.
Cao said during the speech that, in our time, quantum mechanics should be within the range of knowledge for at least our middle school students.
Physicist and best-selling author Li Miao knows how this might be achieved. His books have contributed to making reading about cutting-edge science fashionable, especially among the young.
"The country's golden age of science books for the general public-or science popularization books-is about to come," Li tells China Daily. "Its rising popularity is adding to the momentum."
Li has just released Extraterrestrial Civilization for Children, a newcomer to his For Children series.